JAM with Alice

Breaking from Bondage: A Journey of Overcoming Trauma and Embracing Healing with L"Shawn Russell

Alice Boswell

What occurs when you liberate yourself from the restraints of trauma and reclaim your inner strength? L'Shawn Russel, a renowned author and the owner of The Divine Healing Center located in Chicago, recently graced us with her presence, unfolding her profound journey of triumph over adversity. Her book, 'Breaking From Bondage,' delves into L'Shawn's personal encounters within one of Chicago's largest drug organizations, equipping her with invaluable wisdom to facilitate healing and remedies for others. Her narrative captivates audiences, serving as a genuine source of inspiration, reminding us all of the resilience and potency that lies within us.

Trauma possesses the potential to paralyze, yet L'Shawn asserts that it can also serve as a catalyst for forgiveness and self-love. We thoroughly explored these themes, delving into the therapeutic power of sharing our stories and how it facilitates the process of healing. L'Shawn emphasized the significance of self-love and forgiveness in conquering adversity, shedding light on how these virtues guided her own journey. Additionally, she revealed insightful details about her establishment, the Divine Healing Center, where she utilizes her knowledge to administer treatments for various conditions, including COVID-19.

During my visit to her center, L'Shawn emphasized the importance of detoxification. For those eager to embark on a detox journey, Elle graciously offers a $50 coupon for a detox treatment. This episode is saturated with Elle's profound insights and practical advice on navigating life's challenges and emerging stronger than ever. Tune in and discover your path towards healing.

To obtain the coupon, please visit my Facebook Group or Page, JAM with Alice. Access it there and embrace the opportunity for healing.

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Speaker 1:

the hey, it's Alice from Just Be Magazine and Jam with Alice Podcast. I am thrilled to inform you about the biggest event of the year, the Beyond Beautiful World pageant, happening this Saturday, november 4th, at the Atrium and Country Club. It's starting at 6 pm. I cannot stress how important it is for you to be at this extraordinary event. Rhea and her right-hand pan has created an absolutely stunning event that celebrates the incredible essence of womanhood. Prepare yourself for an enchanted evening as you witness the radiant purple walk and immerse yourself in an unforgettable experience. In case attending in person is not feasible for you, worry not, we will be broadcasting an entire event live, so make sure you secure your ticket now by visiting BeyondBeautifulWorldcom. All right, ladies and gentlemen, I want to introduce to some and others already know right Her name is Elle Shine and she's an author. Elle Shine is also the author and a business owner of the Healing Center right here in Chicago, illinois. How you doing, elle? I?

Speaker 2:

am wonderful. How are you, Elle? How are?

Speaker 1:

you doing, I'm doing great. I mean, you had a little problem that I'm having problems at the end and we both was trying to avoid it, right? Yeah, absolutely, but you got yourself.

Speaker 2:

Life happens. Life happens to the best of us.

Speaker 1:

Don't play, so I am actually recording live y'all on Facebook. I was going to do Instagram but I didn't have time and TikTok and YouTube, so wonderful how you doing this evening.

Speaker 2:

I'm wonderful, I cannot complain. How was your day? It was eventful.

Speaker 1:

It was eventful.

Speaker 2:

Yes, eventful.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I would say the same thing. My whole two weeks it's been eventful. So, yeah, yeah, I completely understand. All right, well, let's get started with the show and let's talk. Let's start talking about your book, all right, everybody, we have her book here, okay, and so what is the central theme on main message convened in the book breaking from bondage. Because I really loved it so, and I don't want to give too much away, so I decided to ask you questions that. So people are going to get the book, okay, okay.

Speaker 2:

Let me ask you this what did you like about the book?

Speaker 1:

I liked that it was truthful and I thought that I think that I probably wouldn't have shared so much, but you did, and but that's your story, and I think everybody have the own story to tell, so so that's why I wanted the questions that I sent to you. That I wanted to know was how does your family feel about it?

Speaker 2:

Um, I don't know what. Have you read it? I'm sure quite a few of them have, but that that isn't what was important when I wrote the book. It wasn't about how they felt, and that's part of healing from trauma, and I think that so often in life we get called up and thinking about what someone else thinks, and you have to get to a point in life where you think about what's good for you. Right, I totally agree, because when you're, when that's constantly at the forefront of your mind what someone else thinks about what you're doing, the direction that you're going in what you essentially done is giving your power away.

Speaker 1:

Right, you don't want to do that, right, not at all. Yeah, so when you, when you wrote the book, what made you decide that you had to go ahead and tell this story?

Speaker 2:

I just couldn't escape it. I felt totally compelled, like every day. I just had a voice that Hannah and I know now, hindsight 2020, that it was God just saying write a book, write a book, and it was extremely therapeutic. What I didn't realize is that I was going to inadvertently instill hope in so many young people along the way. Because, though and I shared a lot on purpose, because it's life and it's what happens in, you know, the inner city communities of Chicago and the ghettos. You know what I mean, so you know we have to be vulnerable in order to truly help people, and that's how that's. That is, what I believe has truly allowed me to connect with so many people is that I am. I don't mind being vulnerable, I don't mind standing in my truth and accepting everything, embracing every aspect of who I am.

Speaker 1:

So I know it wasn't a ghost writer, because you wrote your own book breaking from bondage, correct? So how did you feel? As though you were putting this, actually putting it on paper. You lived it, but it's sometimes it can trigger emotions in us as we write it down.

Speaker 2:

Well, I had a few different experiences Writing it, one being dyslexic was it was a challenging and it's it was challenging in itself to actually write a book, right.

Speaker 2:

So I was overcoming that aspect of who. I was in the process of writing the story and you know, I was I was just, you know, really shocked at the fact that I, that I had the discipline and the mindset to actually sit down and and complete it, because it was a process and but it allowed me and gave me an opportunity to actually live in the moment and sit with some of those feelings and situations, and oftentimes we tend to sweep them over under the rug. Yet we make, you know, permanent decisions on temporary ex emotions and experiences, right. So we, we pattern our lives after things that we've seen or situations that we've been through, and you know, it's important for us to go through those experiences and and also grow through them and not allow them to become who you are, you know. But that takes time. It takes time and it takes work on self to get to that point All right and you are.

Speaker 1:

You are so correct. Once again, we are here with Elshon Russell. She's an author and a business owner successful business owner and we are. You are listening to Jam with Alice. If you're on TikTok and you want to actually see Elshon I'm sorry she's not on there go to Facebook and you can follow us on Facebook or go to YouTube Jam with Alice and you'll be able to see the show. What does and how did the word bondage come up? So how do you find a concept of bondage within the book?

Speaker 2:

Well, I think it's in every part of our lives, because the Bible says that we wrestle not with flesh and blood, but we're principle policies in high places, and so that in itself lets me know that you know it's a spiritual battle that is going on and, you know, if you don't resist the enemy then, you know, you basically circum to it, and so it will begin to suffocate you because you will lose who you are Essentially.

Speaker 2:

You'll lose yourself in the midst of any storm, and it is. It's a spiritual bondage, you know, and again, it always goes back to self. And I believe that when you truly began to do the work on yourself and take time to pull back the many layers of that onion, you know you'll, that's when the true healing will begin. But you have to put in the work, you have to sit with those emotions, those experiences, and you have to be able to understand that you can give yourself, you know, grace in those experiences. You have to understand that you have the power to edify, to love, to uplift, to encourage yourself, in spite of the trials and tribulations that you've been through.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. You hit it right on the head with Elshon. I'm just gonna call you Shawn, because I don't know why. I wanna call you Lush Shawn.

Speaker 2:

No, it's Elshon, though.

Speaker 1:

yeah, I was doing a commercial and I kept saying Lush Shawn and I had to keep starting all over again. Yeah, but it's Elshon. Can you highlight some of the pivotal events turning or turning points that occurred in your story? They got you to where you are today. You know You're successful Reading the book.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, you went through something, but you pulled yourself out of it, so I think that every single event was pivotal, especially when I fast forward and I look at the fact that I am a business owner and I deal with you know, since the beginning of the pandemic I have worked and helped thousands of people right. And so of course you're going to be met with several different personality types and issues, you know, on a regular basis. But you gotta have the scan for it. You know what I mean. You have to be grounded. You have to be rooted in all of those situations that I went through. They prepared me for this because all things not some things, but all things work together for the good of those that love the Lord. And so when you understand not just who you are, but who you are, then you can stand in those storms 10 toes down and embrace it and know that some kind of way this is going to work out for my good.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely. I totally agree. You're hitting everything right on the spot. Can you highlight some ways that the book address the issues related to the social injustice that we have? And it has. I read it, so can you point out some of the social injustice? How does it help some of the young people that you feel?

Speaker 2:

Well, I think again, it just inadvertently gives them hope because so many people think that they're the only ones going through whatever it is that they're going through.

Speaker 2:

They're the only ones that are experiencing trauma, but this is something that has plagued us for years in every aspect of life, from one corner of the earth to the other, and it's not going anywhere, which is the reason why we are who and where we are today.

Speaker 2:

Trauma, right, and trauma directly affects mental health, right, and so if you have dealt with all of these situations and you made your mind up to give your power to the individuals that created the trauma, that caused the scars, that inflicted the wounds, and you don't truly understand that you have everything within to transmute that energy and find the silver lining in it, then you'll never rise above it. And that's, to me, the greatest thing that I could tell a young person right now is it doesn't matter what it is Like. We all have a story, we all have a testimony, but you got to make your mind up to walk in it and create a situation where it works out in your good that it is actually a testimony. You know and trust the process. You've got to just keep going, in spite of what it looks like.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, because you also have to forgive yourself. Now, and a lot of people believe that you can forgive a person who have done you wrong, but you also have to forgive yourself and you have to forgive that person, because if you don't forgive that person, not for their self, their sake, but for your own sake, do you?

Speaker 2:

agree, yeah, yeah, because unforgiveness is like taking poison and expecting somebody else to die.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Absolutely. It is, you know, and everything starts with self, and that's what people tend to not truly understand. Is that everything around you is meant to be a distraction? It's meant to prevent you from sitting still and truly connecting with self and God, self and source, whoever you believe in. It's meant to prevent you from rising above whatever it is that you're going through and walking in your purpose, walking in your calling. It's meant to keep you in a victim mindset instead of a victory, and you have to. That in which you see yourself in is what will appear, the way you see yourself Like you have to see yourself.

Speaker 2:

The mind is a very powerful tool, you know, and so if you truly sit with yourself and begin to co-create, then you'll see it in small avenues and aspects of your life. But you have to understand your role, that you're co-creating right, and all you got to do is see them. The Bible says so. What the man think, your mind is everything. Your mind set is everything. And you also have to walk in a spirit of humility, because when it's out of your control, when it's more than you can bear, give it to God, just let it go. Just let it go and trust that it will work out for your good.

Speaker 1:

Right, but how do it can? And just to let some other people know who's going through it how do you just let it go? Because you sometimes it's one of the hardest things to do is just let it go.

Speaker 2:

So for me.

Speaker 2:

I grew up in a family that was primarily boot it's my.

Speaker 2:

I was raised in a Catholic Church, but my family studied boot study Buddhism, and so we would have to go to the hall and chant, and One of the things that I learned very early on is that I wasn't going to chant because I felt that if God wanted me to pray in this Language, then that's what I would be right, and so I need, I wanted the intimacy, and so I created my own mantras that I would say in my head, instead of the chance that I was being told to say and no one knew what was going on.

Speaker 2:

But those are different things that you have to put in play to keep yourself in alignment. You know, you have to have markers, you have to have something in which you can measure and keep and stay the course, because if you don't, you know, then you will fall to the wayside. So it's even as simple as standing in the mirror every day, speaking life into yourself. You know and I mean the man being man, a miracle manifestation every day, which is what I do, you know, but I these are things that I taught myself to keep me in line you know, keep you in line, listen.

Speaker 1:

In the book I was reading and we're gonna go to your business. But in the book I was reading and one of the things you Said a lot in the book was I was looking for love, and what is something you was forward to all the young women when they're looking for love and it's all in the wrong places love yourself, embrace yourself, nurture yourself, because no one on the facetious earth will ever love you more than you love yourself.

Speaker 2:

And how do you get to that point, right? I mean? So it's the simple things. And so for me, it literally took me using my daughter as a standard right? Because because I had been broken for so long and I didn't know what it felt like, so I knew that in the midst of me dating and entertaining someone, I would. I would say to myself you know, if this person isn't good enough for my daughter, then why would I entertain them for myself? If my daughter brought this guy home, what would I say to her? You know what I mean? If she was dealing with a situation like that and sometimes we got to do it because life is life Constantly right and sometimes we get so accustomed to to settling that we don't even realize that we're settling.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely that is true.

Speaker 2:

So you have to have a benchmark, and for me it was my daughter, because I want absolutely the best for her and I had to use her until I was able to just simply do it for myself, to make those adjustments and assessments without bringing her into the equation in my mind.

Speaker 1:

You are such a wonderful person. Hey, listen, if you all have not got where can they get this book?

Speaker 2:

So right now you would definitely have to get it from me. You would have to come to my office, which is the Divine Healing Center, or you can order it through my email Website, the Divine Healing Center, that org. And I would definitely mail it out to you.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and are we making it? Are we writing any more books?

Speaker 2:

Yes, I've actually I've written three books, wow, congratulations.

Speaker 1:

And what are those? Was what. What are the other two?

Speaker 2:

So this one's breaking from bondage, wake up call and turning point.

Speaker 1:

Okay, and we can get those books from you as well. Yes, ma'am. And what is wake up call and turning point about?

Speaker 2:

well, turning point is.

Speaker 2:

Wake up call is it's the process of arriving right, and once you've been in and in experience trauma for so long, it becomes part of who you are.

Speaker 2:

You don't even realize it, and the unfortunate part about it is that you can't fight what you can't see Right, which is why it's important to do the work and even get assistance if necessary. So if you have a counselor, if you, even if you have a trusted friend or pastor or someone that you look up to that you can talk to, it's it's really good to Hear someone else's perspective, because you have to be able to keep it real with self and know that this Mind is the mind that told me that it was okay to make some of these horrible decisions right. So I need to piggyback these thoughts off of someone else Until I'm able again to to get to the place, to a place where I don't need these Benchmarkers, but you have to. You have to put systems in play to keep yourself Accountable, to keep yourself aligned, because if you don't, you'll never know. You know You'll never have anybody to hold your accountable. You won't even know how to hold yourself accountable.

Speaker 1:

That part right there. Right there you are. You are so correct. Yes, you are. Listen, people, you haven't got the book I read. The book is not that long, but it's. This is a heartfelt and you're gonna feel something when you read this book. All right, you definitely gonna feel something when you read this book. Get the book breaking from bondage from Elshon Russell is absolutely. It's heartbreaking, but it's loving as well. Can I say that?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, I mean, you can say that, that I mean. It happens, though. You know what I mean, but you got to trust the process, regardless to what it looks like. Let me tell you this from the book my mother gave me to a kingpin right, so I was a part of one of the largest drug, a Part of one of the largest drug organizations based out of the city of Chicago. As forward 30 years, some of the recipes that I have been able to formulate that have helped people you know deal with a multitude of elements, are a direct result of the time that I spent in the streets learning how to measure things with my eyeballs Again, what the enemy use for bad. God turned it around for good, and I was able to take those that skill set and use it to formulate different teas, herbal teas and remedies for people that have helped him, you know, in tremendous ways that are totally unthinkable. So you got to. You know you cannot despise humble beginnings, regardless of what it looks like.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and which leads right into what your business with the device healing center. How long have you been doing this?

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so I actually had my location, been there for about two years now, but I started at the beginning of the pandemic, Right, because, you know, I knew that no one had to die and I was willing to open up my place and start literally given treatments out of my home. And, you know, for the first time in my life I truly had to be able to do that. You know, paying attention and putting my attention on God's people. You know, with that mindset he was able to start taking care of my problems, because I was focused on his people, right, and it just grew into, you know, something more than I could have ever done and tell everybody what the divine healing center is actually.

Speaker 2:

So it's a health and wellness spot and I, what we, what we do is we focus on eradicating the spike protein from COVID from individuals, because it creates a storm inside of the body. So it doesn't matter if you were asymptomatic or vaccinated or have full blown COVID. It's there until you actually know what herbs and supplements that are able to do a couple of things simultaneously. One it has to be able to penetrate the blood brain barrier and eat up the outer shell of the spike protein, and so it has to be able to detoxify the brains, the lungs, the liver, the kidneys, all of these major organs that the spike protein typically attacks. Now, a lot of people are very familiar with detoxifying the blood. They're they're familiar with herbs that they can essentially do, and so it's essentially like if they're going to do a drop, I need some golden seal or I need some echinacea or maybe even some birdock root. But people don't typically focus on cleaning up the organs, so it's essentially like changing the oil in the car without a problem Right, still going to have a problem, right.

Speaker 2:

So it doesn't matter what someone is dealing with. I'm going to put together a regiment and teach you how to bridge the gap, right. So whatever deficiencies you may have, we're going to get those under control. We're going to put together a regiment that will fill in all of your deficiencies. One and two. We're going to put together a regiment that will begin to kill whatever is causing, whatever is causing the problem. And then, number three we got to pull it out. So my motto is bill, kill and pull, and those three things have to happen simultaneously in order to bring the body back into balance.

Speaker 1:

Wow, hello, you've been doing this now 20 years now, so yeah, Right, so that that that is truly amazing. How do these services contribute to individual overall health and well being? I mean do. Are they open or they receptive to it? Not for some, but talking into it and to show them that this actually works.

Speaker 2:

No, unfortunately, because of the pandemic and long COVID people, there's a sense of desperation and people need help and people are in pain, they're suffering and they're not getting the answers that they are looking for from their medical caretaker, so it causes them to. It's created a situation where they're open right and they're open to try, and so when you're able to come to a facility and you're in immense amount of pain and you may have your Walker and you get up and forget that you have it, you know. That is the reason why people refer people, because if it's not completely gone, it will be substantially diminished by the time you leave. You know the treatment.

Speaker 1:

Absolutely, absolutely. How does the healing center cultivate, comforting and stimulating the atmosphere to the customer? Because I love the atmosphere there. I mean it was relaxing, it was mellow, it was, it was beautiful.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, so we use sound therapy and light therapy, right? So in order for me to work with anyone, I have to create a situation where you are as relaxed as possible, because stress suppresses the immune system, right, and again, the mind. So if you're, if you're scared, then you know, can you think of one part of your body that's like directly associated with fear? The gut, right. So when you're scared in your mind, something's going on, you're scared, you feel like you have butterflies in your stomach, right. Well, so, so a lot of African American people. They don't have gallbladders, they have digestive issues, you know what I mean Like all sorts of stuff going on with the gut, and that is stress.

Speaker 2:

Stress suppresses the immune system. So you know, we do have neuro beats, the music that you hear, the soft, tranquil music that, again, is to help to bring your body to a point of homeostasis. We have lights in the room, the light therapy, to relax you as well. Then I'm going to go in and give you different herbs to help calm the brain as well, such as ashwagandha, right, because if you're stress, stress suppresses the immune system. You won't heal. If your mind is racing while you're on the table, you won't heal. So that cup that I give you, it has everything that is needed in the supplement packs. So again, I'm building you up, I'm killing what's creating the issue and then when you go in the room, you're you know it's coming out, period, it's coming out, it can't hide.

Speaker 1:

No, it can't. And because when I was laying on that table it was absolutely cleansing for me. For me it was absolutely cleansing it and I love it. And I love the part when you first come in you get consultation, so it's not just throw me in the room and you just do that and here I need you to take it. It was actually sit down, we do it, and she did an intake with me. So once again we're talking with Elshon Russell. She's the author of Breaking Bondage and she is also the owner of the healing center located right here in Chicago. And Elshon, it was really the intake was the most important thing, the most important thing that I found, that I enjoyed the mother and it made me trust you to continue on with the process, and I'm pretty sure some of your other patients considered the same thing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I mean because I want to. My goal is to educate everyone. Each one teach one right. And so when I sit down with you, I'm not just sharing this information with you for you, I'm sharing it with you so that if you have, you know, a child at home or elderly parent that's not able to get up and come out, you know what to do to kind of steer them in the right direction. Right, and this is information that needs to be passed down from generation to generation. This is what our ancestors did, but we've gotten away from it, right, and so, you know, we got to get back to our roots. God created everything that we need to sustain what he created.

Speaker 1:

Can you share some stories or testimonies that you have received from your own customers or patients that oh yeah, I mean, like I have.

Speaker 2:

You know, I have a guy that came in a couple of months after being vaccinated at the beginning of the year. He has stage four cancer. I began to. They gave him five months to live. You came to my birthday party. He is up, he is fabulous and I could not be happier.

Speaker 2:

I have another young lady who started coming to me. Her name is Marie. First of the year she has lost a tremendous amount of weight. She was asthmatic Quite a few issues going on. She went to the doctor. She's off all of her meds now. She literally bought me. She brought a bag, like a huge bag, into the office one day and she's like I got a gift for you. And I'm like, okay, what is it? And I opened the bag up and it was a bag of hospital socks and I was like what, what are you? She was like, yeah, so you know, when clients come in and they don't have socks, I give them socks to put on right, okay, hospital socks. And she said, since I've been coming to you, I have not had to go back to the emergency room and I had to check up on. My doctor, took me off all my meds. So I love to hear stories like that. It just, it just makes me feel good, you know just hearing.

Speaker 1:

I definitely get it, because it was when I was there. I was feeling good and I felt, so I slept like a baby when I got back home. Honestly, I did. I slept the whole night and not one time did I wake up at all. And let me tell you something else about the healing center that's located over there on 81st and Kezzi it is. She has this set up for if you have a wheelchair, you can actually go in there. Let's talk about that.

Speaker 2:

So I'm sure when you were at the party, you may have seen a guy there in a wheelchair. Yes, so he's one of my clients and I had to think about that, because everybody deserves help. Everybody deserves, you know, treatment. And again, we were taught to detox. I mean to maintenance our vehicles, right, but we were taught to detox our bodies. But we're coming in contact with all sorts of pathogens and chemicals every single day, and so for someone that's in a wheelchair, they need it just as much as someone who's able to walk in. So they're going to be able to come in and get the same quality of treatment that any and everybody else would, and they're going to be comfortable because they can stay in their chair if they need to.

Speaker 1:

All right, all right, I'm pretty sure I didn't miss anything. You definitely didn't miss anything. Is there anything else that we should know?

Speaker 2:

I just, I really just want people to be vigilant and I think that at this point that it's important for people to treat everything like it is COVID, because it hasn't gone anywhere and you know, they announced on the news recently that we need to prepare for a triple deadmink, right. So they're releasing other viruses and pathogens that are a huge problem, and I'll just give you guys a gem. So one thing that people should keep in their closets I mean their pantries in their kitchens 24, like you, never run out of it is NAC NAC. The actual name is inocidal cysteine, right, and at the beginning of the pandemic, the FDA would not allow Amazon to sell it because it works so well at detoxifying the brains, the lungs, the liver and the kidneys. And when this COVID attack the brains and the lungs initially right, it's remarkable. When it initially came out, doctors use it on individuals who attempted to OD on ibuprofen and or Tylenol because, again, it works so well at detoxifying those major organs. And that's what we need to do.

Speaker 2:

Detoxing is the name of the game. When you are full of junk and then you get this bug that comes in and invades your body, it's going to wreak havoc. You got to start cleaning out the junk the fried chicken, the ribs, the chitlins, all of this stuff that we were raised on. It's not what it used to be. They're putting chemicals in everything, so we can't just chop it off, as, oh well, my grandmother because I hear that from time to time my grandmother ate chitlins every weekend and she lived to be 110 years old. Well, they weren't putting all the chemicals in it back then. You know what I'm saying. So I can't argue with the fact that your grandmother ate it and she lived. But you got to understand that times have changed. That's right. Times have changed and the things that they're doing to our food is horrible.

Speaker 2:

So you got a detox, elshon, and how often shall we detox? Well, it depends on your body. I tell all of my clients to pay attention to your body, like you would your baby, right? Your body is going to tell you. So some people literally like the lady with the socks. She comes in the first Sunday of every month after church, that's it. She doesn't come anymore any less. However, individuals that have been diagnosed with cancer they come weekly. So it depends on where you're at what you're dealing with. If it's something that you want to just lose weight. You may be able to come in once a month or once every three weeks. You pay attention to your body. If you actually have an ailment, you need to come in more consistently, no more than once a week, to get that under control, and then you can taper off to once a month or once every other month. But detoxing is very important.

Speaker 1:

I love her program as well, because when I was there I said, well, and most people they just about the money, which is the truth. But, elshon, she like well, it's nothing really wrong with you, you can come maybe once a month or once every two months. And she just told the truth. She gave me an honest opinion of what I'm supposed to be doing and I appreciate that, and I guess you do that with all your clients as well.

Speaker 2:

I do, and that's why you saw the turnout that you did.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I did.

Speaker 2:

Because I am very honest, I am very straightforward, I don't mislead anyone and if, by chance, you have a medical mystery, you give me information that you've gotten from your doctor and it's not accurate. We are not getting the response that you need. I have a system that's called BioScan and it's able to scan all of the biomarkers in your body and it tells me everything that's going on.

Speaker 1:

Oh, wow.

Speaker 2:

It didn't know that. Yeah, so BioScan most people charge about $1,500 to have this service, but I charge. Right now I'm doing 250 just because, again, I want to help my people.

Speaker 1:

And which brings us to you actually sent over a coupon for everybody, just for everybody to come by and check you out and get the services that you have, which we all definitely need. That I'm going to say. And let's talk about the coupon. So that's a nice surprise everyone, she's giving a coupon to come into her place over here in Chicago to be in the Chicago area or outside of the Chicago area. Come by and see her. What do we have, sean?

Speaker 2:

So yeah, so I sent you a coupon for $50 off of a detox treatment. So come in. You know, schedule call. You have to call, you have to schedule an appointment and then you come in. Listen, I have people flying in town to get treatments and I can definitely stand by it. You know long. Covid is real and, oh, you may not be having symptoms right now. That doesn't mean that they won't manifest later, and or you may be having some weird outlandish symptoms now, or issues that you're dealing with and not connecting. Get to COVID and or the vaccine, and I'm here to tell you that it is a huge problem. It's a huge problem, you know, and what you saw, you know, at the birthday party was just a small portion of my clients, but the love was genuine and that's because I put forth my best effort with everyone.

Speaker 1:

that comes, like everyone, and she mentioned her birthday party book and her book release. It was. It was actually one of it. It was a lot of people there and to be spoke to anybody there, but they say that she's wonderful person and I got a chance to meet us all, yeah, and we hit it off right off the top, so it was really really nice. Yeah, listen again, we are here with Elle Sean and Elle Sean is Elle Sean Russell I'm trying to keep from saying the Sean yeah, yeah, yeah, elle Sean Russell.

Speaker 1:

And with her book breaking from violence and you want to make sure that you reach out to her so you can get the book. I'm going to make sure I put the information in the description after the show is over so you can reach out to her. I'm also going to put the coupon that she sent over in the description as well and I'm a post it as well, so you can actually say here's a book, make sure that you get the book. The book is actually actually good. It's from beginning to end. You not going to. There's not the many pages. You're going to be able to read it in one sitting. Believe me when I say and then the Divine Healing Center is located where Elle Sean.

Speaker 2:

It is 3200 West 81st Street. It's right on the corner of 81st and Kedzie. There's parking alongside a parking lot and if you are in a wheelchair you can come right through the back door and roll into the office, so you don't have to worry with stairs or anything like that, right.

Speaker 1:

And once again we're going to post the information. So make sure you just can't show up. Make sure you do an appointment with her. Set up your appointment Right. What days are you open and what times are you?

Speaker 2:

open. So I am open Tuesday through Sunday from 11am to 6pm, but I work by appointment only. I am doing a lot of interviews now and going. I'm on the radio a couple days a week, so I'm kind of all over the place. But my mission and my purpose is to serve people. Serve my people. Like you know, the Bible says my people perish from a lack of knowledge. So I'm just trying to educate as many individuals as I can so that they can, so that you know, you can prepare.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and I'm going to tell you she definitely served, because when I was there, I got a chance to sit there and listen to everything and she's from the beginning that you walk in is relaxing. When you come in, you're going to see her products, but she could tell you about everything that's there what's going to work, what's not going to work. No, you don't need that. You need this here. Yeah, she is wonderful. She's definitely going to see. I don't need products.

Speaker 2:

I don't need. I don't upsell. If you don't need it, I don't sell it to you Like I mean, I want to help you. You know what I'm saying and you know we're in a pandemic right now. We're in a recession, things are tight and I try to be mindful of that every day and again my prices they reflected again. Typically, a bioscan is about $1,500 and I do it for 250, you know. And the treatments are no more than what you would pay to go and get your nails, a manicure and a pedicure. You know I go and it's about 125. My services, they start at 150, you know. So I mean I try to keep that in mind because I know that. And then I do offer financing as well.

Speaker 1:

Yes, she does, yes, she does. So make sure y'all go check out Elshon. Elshon, I'm just going to call you Elshon. Elshon, I want to thank you for coming. I'm sorry, I know what's I'm talking about, it just flows out, I'm telling you. When I did the video for the commercial, I'm like I come sit on Elshon. I'm like ugh. I got to start over Ten times so finally I got Elshon in there. But I want to thank you for joining Jam with Alice, who's coming on the show and sitting with me.

Speaker 2:

I hope you come back. I will Definitely, definitely Great.

Speaker 1:

Thank you, thank you. So, once again, I'm going to put the information down in the description once everything is all uploaded. It's a live show, but I still got to go in and do the description, so I'm going to put all her information there. I'm going to definitely post that coupon. You have to make an appointment, just don't show up. Free parking, street parking so, and, believe me, there's plenty of parking over there. So she handles her business very well, where she's spacing out her clients, right, but still there's enough people that's going through there. So I am Alice, jam with Alice, I want to thank everybody that came onto my live, and my final words are, as I always say find your fire, be true to who you are and, whatever you do, inspire along the way. That's how we're all going to succeed together. All right, so I'm Alice. I will see you on the next show. Bye, bye, bye.